오늘은 알아두면 유용한 

토익숙어에 대해서 총정리해보려고 합니다!

같이 공부 시작해볼까요?



look forward to ~ : ~를 고대하다 

ex) Please look forward to hear from us.


prevent A from ~ : ~가 하는 것을 막다 

ex) Go prevent him from running away.


have difficulties (in) ~ : ~하는데 어려움을 겪다 

ex) You shouldn't have difficulties in math.



be accustomed to~ : ~에 익숙하다

ex) Being accustomed to something takes time.


be committed to~ : ~에 헌신, 전념하다 

ex) He is truly committed to helping her out.


be expected to V~ : ~할 것으로 예상되다 

ex) Is she being expected to pass the test?




ragard  A as B : A를 B로 생각하다 

ex) Regard these as my gesture of gratitude.


describe A as B : A를 B로 칭하다 

ex) She descirged the villain as a clown.


attribute A to B : A를 B의 덕으로 돌리다 

ex) I thankfuly attribute this honor to my parents.



restirct A to B : A를 B로 한정하다 

ex) They are restricting whole production to half.


discourage A from B : A가 B하는 것을 막다 

ex) Please don't discourage Jake from doing it.


convert A into B : A를 B로 전환, 개조시키다 

ex) He is converting a cat into a human.


오늘 배운 숙어들 중요한 숙어들이니 

완벽하게 외워두자구요!



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