오늘은 뜻은 같지만 뉘앙스가 다른
헷갈리는 전치사에 대해서 공부해보려고 합니다~!
같이 전치사 공부 시작해볼까요?
By vs Until ~까지
1) By : 기한, 완료의 의미
ex) You must finish the work by tomorrow.
2) Until : 계속, 지속의 이미
ex) They have to here until 8 p.m.
For vs During ~하는 동안
1) For : 구체적 기간
ex) I lived in the NY area for 7 years.
2) During : 특정 명사의 기간
ex) I've been very lazy during the summer vacation.
To vs Toward(s) ~로
1) To : 특정한 장소
ex) He had to go to hospital for treatment.
2) Toward(s) : 일정한 방향
ex) She faltered toward the door.
Between vs Among ~사이에
1) Between : 2개 사이
ex) His emotions swung between fear and curiosity.
2) Among: 3개 이상의 사이
ex) They will take sounding among party members.
오늘 배운 전치사들
다 중요하고 헷갈릴 수 있는 전치사들이니
정확하게 비교해보아요!

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