오늘은 시험장에서 써먹을 수 있는 

오픽 돌발상황 대처문장을 정리해보려고 해요! 



한 번도 생각하지 못한 질문을 받았을 때 

I've never thought about this before.

I'm sorry but I haven't given it much thought.

I'll talk about what I think is relevant to the question.



질문을 놓쳤거나 이해하지 못했을 때 

I'm sorry but I only remember part of your question, 

so I'll answer what I can.


I'll try to answer as far as I know, 

I hope I don't miss anything.



생각할 시간을 벌어야 할 때 

Could you give me a moment to think about it?

If you don't mind, may I take some time to think?

I need to take some time to think about your question.



정확한 표현이 떠오르지 않을 때 

I'm not sure how to put it.

But let me try to explain it in simple terms.


I can't think of the right expression, 

so I'll try to explain it another way.


오늘 배운 오픽 돌발상황 대처문장을 통해서 

오픽 목표 레벨을 꼭 받아보아요~


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