오늘은 오픽 시험 볼 때 

문장을 더 부드럽게 해주는 

오픽 필러에 대해서 공부하려고 합니다! 



문장을 시작할 때 

Well, you know, Actually,

Basically, First of all, Alright, Interesting,

Let me see, Here we go 



답변이 생각나지 않을 때 

Let me see/Let's see

Wait a minute.

Just a moment.

Give me a second, please.

I'm blanking out.



내 생각을 말할 때 

In my opinion~

From my perspective,

I would have to say~

I'm going to be talking about~

You know what?

Well, here's the thing.



답변을 마무리할 때 

Finally, In closing

That's why I think~

What I mean is that~

In summary, 

Anyway, I can tell you~ 



중간 중간 쓰면 좋은 필러 

you know, you know that

well, I mean, um...

You know wht I'm saying, right?

Right?, Actually


오늘 배운 필러 표현들 

자연스럽게 사용해서 

오픽 답변을 더 부드럽게 해보아요!



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