오늘은 토익 800+ 시험에 잘 나오는 

혼동하기 쉬운 

토익 형용사 어휘에 대해서 

공부해보려고 합니다! 



1. respectful 공손한 

respectable : 존경할만한, 훌륭한 

repective : 각각의, 각자 


ex) Now I have a respectable profession.

We were both former band members of our respective schools.



2. confident 자신감 있는 

confidential : 기밀의 

confident : 신뢰할 수 있는 친구 


ex) I have always been confident in my own ability.

She was his close confident but turned against him.



3. respective 반응하는 

responsible : 책임감 있는 

reliable : 믿을(신뢰할) 수 있는 


ex) We try to be responsive to the need of the customer.

I am responsible for that problem.



4. extended 연장된 

expanded : 넓어진, 확대된 

extensive : 광범위한 


ex) The performance has been extended for another two weeks.

My extensive experience makes me an ideal fit for your company.


오늘 배운 토익 형용사 어휘  

헷갈리지 말고 정확하게 알아두어요~


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