토익스피킹 파트 3 AH 모범답안 

같이 공부해보려고 합니다~! 



Part 3 문제 

파트 3은 문제 5~7번에 해당하며 

듣고 질문에 답하기 유형이에요


각 문항당 답변 준비 시간이 3초로 

비교적 짧으니 

스텝별 전략을 익혀두면 유용해요~ 


주로 의문사 의문문으로 질문해서 

의문사에 따른 응답 표현을 익혀야 한답니다! 




5번 모범 답안 

Is there any attire policy in your company?

If so, what is it?


There is no attire policy in my company , 

but we are recommended to wear smart casuals.

It means we are discouraged from wearing 

any training suits or flip-flops.




6번 모범답안 

How many times do you buy clothes for your work?


I purchase clothes for my work once a month.

Even at work, I want to be looked professional and 

fashionable, so I shop for clothes every month.

Recently, I am into semiformal dresses 

and they are so comfortable.




7번 모범답안 (1)

Do you think that companies should allow 

their employees to wear casual clothes at work?


Yes, I think companies should allow their employees 

to wear casuals at work.

First, casual outfits are simply more comfortable.

This means that employees can work 

in a more relaxed atmosphere.




7번 모범답안 (2)

Do you think that companies should allow 

their employees to wear casual clothes at work?


Second, formal attire has no direct 

relationship to employees' performance, 

but it is only an expensive tradition.

Therefore, employees should be 

allowed to wear casuals.


오늘 배운 토익스피킹 파트 3 AH 모범답안

완벽하게 익혀보아요~


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