오늘은 토익 빈출
마케팅 관련 단어
공부해보려고 합니다!
examine 조사하다
ex) The marketing department recently started to examine
the potential consumers of their new product.
consecutive 연속적인
ex) Their total sales has increased for three consecutive years.
expectation 예상, 기대
ex) The effect of their last marketing was larger than their expectation.
publicize 공표하다, 널리 알리다
ex) The mission of the marketing team is to better publicize their company to the public.
raise 높이다, 증가시키다
ex) In order to raise the reputation of the company,
they need to invest more in marketing.
indicate 나타내다
ex) The chart indicates that the public prefers others' products.
instantly 즉각적으로
ex) After releasing our new advertisement, the sales revenue instantly rose.
aim 노리다, 조준하다
ex) This particular bicycle model is aimed at teenagers.
profit margi 이윤율
ex) The corporation has raised their profit margin by employing foreign workers.
broaden 넓히다
ex) In order to broaden their market, they established a foreign branch.
affordable 감당할 수 있는
ex) Their new marketing strategy is to appeal their affordable price.
comparable 비슷한, 유사한
ex) The marketing team must appeal the product among a number of comparable products.
마케팅 관련 토익 빈출 단어 모음
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