오늘의 헷갈리는 단어 

Day 5 입니다! 

같이 공부 시작해볼까요?



omit 빠뜨리다, 생략하다 

ex) Don't omit anything important in the report!


emit (빛, 가스 등을) 내뿜다 

ex) The bed air in our village is due to the gas emitted by big factory.



complement 보완하다 

ex) They consist of members who complement each other.


compliment 칭찬하다 

ex) I complimented my friend on you presentation. 



adopt 채택하다 

ex) We will adopt new policies next month.


adapt 적응하다 

He adapts quickly, even when he goes to a strange country.



defer 연기하다

ex) The registration deadline has been deferred  for one week.


deter 단념시키다 

Nothing could deter her from her goals.


오늘 배운 헷갈리는 단어들 

완벽하게 숙지해요~


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