진주어와 구별해 알아둬야 할

가주어 it/there에 대해서 

꼼꼼하게 공부해볼까요?



1. 가주어 it 

진주어인 to 부정사구나 that 절을 대신해서 쓰고 

'동사가 ~이다/~하다'로 해석한답니다! 


ex) It is impossible to predict what will happen.

ex) It is expected that more people will visit here.



2. it ~ that 강조구문 

명사, 전치사구 등을 강조할 때

it이 that과 함께 강조구문을 만들어요~


ex) It was John that broke the window.

ex) It was you who was creative of the idea.




3. 가주어 there 

'there + 동사 + 진주어' 형태로 쓰고 

'~이 있다'로 해석된답니다!


ex) There are many trucks on the highway.

ex) They said that there are many conflicts.



4. 가주어의 자리 

ex) It is no wonder that he was failed.

ex) There is no compelling reason to believe him.


오늘 배운 가주어 it/there에 대해서 알아둔다면 

해석 및 문법 모두에 도움될테니 

제대로 공부해보자구요!


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