표현마다 쓰임이 다른 

강조 부사 모음에 같이 보면서 

부사 공부해보아요~



1. just / only

오직, 단지 


1) 전치사구 강조 

ex) This service is available just outside the country.


2) 명사구 강조 

ex) Please report only the necessary information.



2. just / right 



1) before 강조 

ex) We left just before the final curtain.


2) after 강조 

ex) The game began right after the opening address.



3. even 

1) 단어/구 강조 : ~조차도 

ex ) Even my own family didn't understand.


2) 비교급 강조: 훨씬 

ex) I knew him even less than I realized.



4. quite

1) 'a/an + 명사' 강조 : 굉장한 

ex) She's grown into quite an individual.


2) 형용사/부사 강조 : 상당히, 꽤 

ex) His concert began, and it was quite surprising.


3) 최상급 강조 : 단연코 

ex) Flying is quite the best way to travel.



오늘 배운 강조 부사 문장에서 정말 많이 쓰이니 

완벽하게 알아두어요!


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