오늘은 오픽 시험칠 때 머리가 새하얘질 때 유용한

오픽 상황별 대처 문장에 대해서 공부해보려고 합니다~!



1. 어려운 질문을 받았을 때 

It't pretty hard for me to answer this question.


Well, that's a very tricky question



2. 할 말이 없을 때 

Honestly, I haven't thought about it at all.


I seriosuly have no idea about this.



3. 생각할 시간을 벌어야 할 때 

Can you please give me a minute to think about it?


That's a really good question. Let me think about it for a moment.



4. 못 알아 들었을 때 

I'm sorry, but I think I should skip this question because I don't know what to say.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't hear you well.



5. Eva에게 양해를 구할 때 

Please understand me even if I stumble from time to tiem.


I don't honestly remember what happened exactly but I'll try to remeber.



오늘 배운 오픽 상황별 대처문장 정확하게 알아두어서 

오픽 시험 능수능란하게 답변해보자구요~



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