오늘은 파트 5 만점을 위해 알아두어야 할 

빈출 숙어를 정리해보려고 합니다!

토익 공부하는 분들 여기 주목해주세요~ 



exempt from : ~에서 면제되다 

ex) These houses are exempt from paying rates.


eligible for : ~할 자격이 있다 

ex) He will be eligible for college admission.


noted for : ~로 유명하다 

ex) The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.



compatible with : ~와 호환되다 

ex) The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.


in coomparison with : ~와 비교하여 

ex) This fish is quite big in comparison with the other one.


acquainted with : ~와 친숙하다 

ex) People will be acquainted with that in due coures.



pron to :~ : ~하는 경향이 있다 

ex) Tired drivers were found to be prone to ignore warning signs.


accustomed to : ~에 익숙하다 

ex) Teenagers are accustomed to convertexting.


willing to : 기꺼이 ~하다 

ex) The landlord was willing to accept us as tenants.



in anticipation of :~을 예상하다 

ex) She was constantly in anticipation of being arrested.


by means of : ~에 의하여 

ex) He fixed the objects by means of ropes


in recognition of : ~을 인정하다 

ex) He was promoted in recognition of his achievement.


오늘 배운 숙어들 완벽하게 외워두면 

문법 문제, 독해, 어휘 다 잡을 수 있으니 

각 잡고 공부해보아요!




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