오늘은 토익스피킹 답변을 풍성하게 만들어 주는 

토익스피킹 자주 쓰는 표현에 대해서 공부하려고 합니다! 

토익스피킹 시험 준비하는 분들 여기 주목해주세요~



Everything looks peaceful.


It looks likea a typical 장소.


He/She is qualified for the position.


Call me if you have any questions.



live on a tight budget.


It's great way to kill time.


I just listened to your message and ~


It will make my life easier.




It is easy to ~


I think we should ~ 


A has been working at ~


There are both advantages and disadvantages of ~



I'm in the middile of something.


I think I'm running a little late.


Why didn't you pick up the phone?


I hope my suggestions are OK.



only (숫자) minutes away from ~


I have a few suggestions.


I'm sorry, but it's not true.


I'm retrurning your call regarding ~



오늘 배운 표현들 다 중요한 표현들이니

자주 말하면서 익혀서 꼭 답변에 써보아요!


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