토익 900점을 원하는 분들을 위한 

토익 파트 7 대체어 기출 표현에 대해서 알아보려고 합니다! 

같이 공부 시작해볼까요?



tentative = not finalized 

잠정적인 = 확정되지 않은 

ex) W emade a tentative(=not finalized) arrangement to meet on Friday.


renew = extend


ex) I'd like to renew(=extend) these library books.



remarkable = outstanding 

논랄 만한 = 뛰어난 

ex) She was a truly remarkable(=outstanding) woman.


suppose = assume


ex) I suupose(=assume) you think it's funny, do you?



feasibility = possibility 

(실행)가능성 = 가능성 

ex) I doubt the feasibility(=possibility) of the plan.


conceal = cover 

감추다, 숨기다 

ex) The paintings were concealed(=covered) beneath a thick layer of plaster.



consecutively = successively 

연속적으로 = 연속하여, 잇따라서 

ex) He has consecutively(=successively) filled various goverment posts.


stock = shares 


ex) Employees hold 30% of the stock(=shares).



coverage = reprot 

(미디어 상의) 보도 = 보고, 보도 

ex) Publishers often slant their coverage(=report)


rapid = sharp 


ex) The disease is spreading at rapid(=sharp) rate.


오늘 배운 토익 파트7 대체어 기출 표현

다 중요한 표현들이니 완벽하게 알아두자구요!



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