오늘 헷갈리는 단어고부 완료하자 

Day 4에요~ 

같이 공부 시작해볼까요?




assent 찬성하다/ 승인,동의 

ex) They asseented to giving everyone a small raise.




ascent 올라감, 오르막길

ex) Joy slowly started an ascent up the hill.




resume 이력서 

ex) Fax your resume and cover letter to the above.




resume 재개하다 

ex) We're out of time now, so let's resume this training here tomorrow.





predicate 근거를 두다, 단정하다 

ex) We predicate of the rumor that it is groundless.




predict 예측/예견하다

ex) It's so intense that it's hard to predict the outcome of the vote.



innate 타고난 

ex) Joy has an innate ability to predict market flow.




inane 어리석은 

ex) He ignores my beliefs, because he thinks I'm inane.


오늘 배운 단어 완벽하게 외워보아요~


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