
오늘은 토익 시험 하루 전날 봐도 

도움되는 빈출 단어 공부해보려고 합니다! 


smaller -> less spacious 덜 넓은 

extra weight -> excess weight 과체중 

revealed -> give details 정보를 제공하다 

10 years -> a decade 10년 

chosen -> selected 선정되다 

get rest -> take time off 휴식을 가지다 


shipped -> sent 보내진 

unable to locate -> lost 분실된 

inform -> notify 알리다 

survey -> a study 조사 

make a payment -> pay ~을 지불하다 

course -> class 강좌 

methods -> techniques 기술 

in partnership with -> collaborated 합작하다 

fall and winter -> seasonal 계절별 

take part in -> participate in  참가하다 

only thin July -> a limited time 제한된 시간 

premises -> some areas 몇몇 구역 

spokesperson -> representative 대표자 

acotrs -> performers 연기자들 

cooperation -> assistance 도움 

maintenance costs -> upkeep 유지비 

guidlines -> instructions 지침 

headquarter -> main office 본사 


오늘 배운 단어들 완벽하게 외워두어요~ 


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